News — about me
How I Push Past Creative Blocks and Find Inspiration
Karin Jacobson
I’ve met Designer’s Block so many times that I’ve come up with some strategies for evading her grasp! Many of them are my go-tos even when I’m not feeling blocked and just want to explore new design ideas. Any time I need to start a new project or cook up new jewelry designs, here’s where I start...
Seven Things That Made Me Feel Grateful in 2017
Karin JacobsonInspiration and Relaxation in Greece and Italy
Karin JacobsonWould you like to know a little bit about me?
Karin JacobsonI got my first taste of jewelry design while attending the Perpich Center for Arts Education, a fine arts high school in Minneapolis. That beginner class led to an apprenticeship, starting the summer I graduated from high school, and turned into a job working as a bench goldsmith for the next 7 years, during which I also attended college and graduated (summa cum laude, with a degree in History!) from the University of Minnesota. It was with this practical jewelry education and (okay, a little impractical) liberal arts education, and most importantly my burning desire to make my own designs,...