Happy New Year, friends!
Like many folks, I can’t quite believe that 2017 whizzed by so quickly! And (also like many folks) I tend to get a little contemplative at the beginning of January. Instead of just plowing ahead into the new year, I like to take the time to reflect on how the past year unfolded, pinpoint what I’d like to achieve in the coming year, and most importantly, take stock of everything I’m grateful for. This year I wanted to share my gratitude list with you, both because I love encouraging gratitude in others, and because YOU are on my list!
Good health: It’s pretty basic, but never to be taken for granted. I find a lot of joy in being active and try to remember that feeling good and being healthy is one of life’s greatest gifts.
Making it to the top of the mountain in Santorini this past October.
- Continued inspiration: I love that I’m still excited by what I do, and that I look forward to getting into work every day. This is especially true on days when I get to design and tinker with new ideas, but even on days when I’m setting gems or sourcing raw materials, I’m delighted to head into my studio. I’m extremely fortunate to do work that consistently feeds my creativity.
My community: The Twin Cities has grown into a community that is actively and consistently supportive of the arts. Not only can my business thrive here, but on any given day I can soak up artistic works of all kinds across the metro area. I’m constantly inspired by the incredible theater, dance, music, galleries, museums, and experiences available to me here. And my micro-community in the Northrup King Building is equally amazing; I get to work in a bright and sunny studio every day, and share my building with a wildly talented group of smart, generous, imaginative artists. And, like a great big cherry on top of 2017, I’ve been honored by Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine as a Made in the North Awards finalist! Thanks, Twin Cities!!
Woot! I was so delighted to open up the January, 2018 issue of MSP Magazine and find this!
Friends and family: I have a husband who is always excited about my business (even on days when I feel exhausted by it); a family who has always been supportive, right up to the point of pushing my business cards on people in front of me (ahem…Mom); and friends who celebrate my successes and commiserate with me on my not-so-great days (and maybe open a bottle of wine with me, as needed). Without their support, I’d flounder. With it, I’m able to thrive.
Family, besties, and husband - I am one seriously lucky person!
My kitties: Yep, I’m going to go there! Pixie and Mochi are cute, sweet, furry, and make me laugh daily. There’s no way to measure the joy they’ve infused into my life, and I’m so lucky to have them - even when they're being naughty little stinkers, which is most of the time.
Yes, they are wearing bowties. #sorrynotsorry. True to their personalities, Pixie (left) looks a bit startled, and Mochi (right) just looks grumpy.
- Retail partnerships: I am so thankful that I have been able to partner with wonderful stores across the country that carry and promote my work. The more stores that carry my jewelry, the more fun I get to have playing with gems and making new designs!
You! Thank you, sincerely, to everyone who has supported my business, whether by shopping, passing my name along to friends, or even just being generous with praise when you visit my studio. All of your kind words and excitement about my jewelry fuel my creativity and inspire me to keep on doing what I’m doing. Your support fills me with gratitude!
And can I say thank you back? I’d love to send you a New Year card! If you’d like one and are not on my mailing list, please send me an email with your mailing address. (Not sure if you’re on my mailing? If you didn’t receive a New Year card last year, then I either don’t have your address, or the one I have is out of date!) I only send one card per year by mail, so you don’t have to worry about getting junk mail ... but if you’d like to hear about my upcoming events and sales, be sure to include your email address, too!
Many thanks again to all, and warm wishes for a wonderful, gratitude-packed 2018!