News — show news
Hello Baltimore! What I Did at the ACC Show
Karin JacobsonDecember Events
Karin JacobsonHow I Work: Making Lotus Fold Opal Earrings for Fire & Forge
Karin JacobsonUpcoming Fall Events
Karin JacobsonMeet my guest artist Lois Eliason!
art-a-whirl guest artist show news store news
Karin JacobsonI'm so excited to host my dear friend, artist Lois Eliason who will be showing watercolors and photographs in my studio at Art-A-Whirl this coming weekend! KJ: Lois, I’m so excited that you are going to be showing your photographs & watercolors in my studio during Art-A-Whirl! You have recently shown your photography/watercolor work for the first time at Showroom. Are these new media for you? Tell me why you’ve decided to branch out.LE: I’ve loved art and making art my entire life. I was an English major and a Studio Arts minor in college. During my senior year, I focused my attention entirely...